Proposal for Essay
The essay that I have selected
for expansion is essay three in which the topic is literacy. I believe that literacy, reading and writing, is
an important skill for everyone to possess because it has many positive
benefits. The benefits that a person can experience are financial gain, professional
success, and society benefits as well because literate people are more likely
to have a higher education and earn a higher income so they are more likely to
contribute to society. Educated people are less likely to live in poverty and commit
crime. I want to expand the essay to include an article by Central Connecticut
State University titled, “Americas’ Most Literate Cities,” it is about study
that defines the most literate city and the least literate city in America, it explains
what makes a city more literate than another and gives interesting facts about
why a city is more literate than another. Another article I want to include is,
“Adult Literacy in America”, by National Center for Education Statistics. The article
has many facts that will help back up my claim. The articles will help explain
why I believe that literacy can benefit society.
Key terms I will use to find additional research:
- most literate
- city
- America
- adult literacy
- education
Just to make sure, this is the essay that was on Angelou's text, yes? If so, it sounds like you are moving away from Angelou and focusing on literacy in general. (which is fine). Instead of just focusing on whether literacy is beneficial (because it hard to difficult to argue against that claim), you might want to uncover what creates low literacy rates. Why are certain demographics more prone to lower literacy rates (socioeconomic, ethnic, gender, regional, etc.)? What can be done to improve literacy rates?